Write a program for the following. a. To calculate area of a rectangle. REM PROGRAM TO DISPLAY AREA OF RECTANGLE CLS INPUT “ENTER LENGTH”; L INPUT “ENTER BREADTH”; B A = L * B PRINT “AREA OF RECTANGLE”; A END b. To calculate perimeter of a rectangle. REM PROGRAM TO DISPLAY PERIMETER OF A RECTANGLE
Student Online Entry for Session 2021-22 in shiksha.cg.nic.in
स्टेप 1 – ब्राउजर में http://shiksha.cg.nic.in/StudentEntry/#/home सर्च करें सबसे पहले अपने मोबाइल के इंटरनेट ब्राउजर में ऑनलाइन पोर्टल के लिंक एड्रेस को लिखकर सर्च करें। पोर्टल का लिंक इस प्रकार है http://shiksha.cg.nic.in/StudentEntry/#/home स्टेप 2: लॉग इन करें I अब आप विद्यार्थी पोर्टल में लॉगिन करने के लिए cgschool.in के लॉगिन आईडी और पासवर्ड का उपयोग
How to Download an Entire Website for Offline Reading?
There are three tools you can use to download any website for offline reading: Webcopy: Webcopy by Cyotek takes a website URL and scans it for links, pages, and media. As it finds pages, it recursively looks for more links, pages, and media until the whole website is discovered. Then you can use the configuration
How to insert Student online entry in CGBSE Portal?
Steps to insert student information: Type URL http://cgbse.nic.in Click on. Log in VIDIA- User id = ******** Password = ******** Type captcha number in given box then click on Click on छात्रों का पंजीयन for student entry. Click on your respective class for student information entry. For example click on class 9 : For
Schedule a Google Meet in Google Calendar on mobile.
Open the google calendar application in Mobile/Smart Phone. Scheduled your email address. Click on Plus Icon. Now add title as per your need. Set the date and time of meetink . If you want to change time Zone you can change. Add video confrencing application that is already installed in your phone. Add location of
How to record the entire computer screen through Bandicom Screen Recorder Software?
Open Google search engine in any browser in your system. Type “download Bandicom “ Download Bandicom from the official website (https://www.bandicam.com/downloads/). Click on https://www.bandicam.com/downloads/BDCAMSETUP_ENG.EXE.php Click on start button-all programs-Bandicom-Bandicom icon files. Choose the ‘Rectangle on a screen’ mode. Click the ‘● REC‘ button or press the hotkey (F12) to start/stop the recording. Go to ‘Home ->
Program Code:
Ctrl + A – Select All Ctrl + B – Bold Ctrl + C – Copy Ctrl + D – Fill Ctrl + F – Find Ctrl + G – Find next instance of text Ctrl + H – Replace Ctrl + I – Italic Ctrl + K – Insert a hyperlink Ctrl + N
What is Chrome Extension? How to install chrome extension in your chrome browser?
What is Chrome Extension? Chrome extension is a small software that is designed for a specific task in browser. Example- if you are a blog writer and you write your blog in English language then may be some mistake in your grammar. Now you have a small programed or software that indicate grammatical mistake in
STEPS FOR VIDEO CONFERENCING THOROUGH GOOGLE MEET APP: 1. सबसे पहले फोन मे Gmail app को ओपन करे। 2. नीचे आपको एक Meet ऑप्शन दिखाई देगा उस पर क्लिक करे। 3. उसके बाद आपको दो ऑप्शन दिखाई देंगे New meeting और Join with a code 4. अगर आप किसी के साथ मीटिंग Create करना चाहते है तो New meeting ऑप्शन कर क्लिक